How To Turn Off Headphone Safety On iPhone? (Step-By-Step Instructions)

Are you an avid music listener, podcast enthusiast, or just someone who enjoys blasting their favorite tunes directly through their headphones? 

The thing is that Apple’s headphone safety feature might be lowering your volume without you even realizing it

In this article, I will explain what headphone safety does to your headphones, whether you should disable it or not, and, most importantly, how to do it.

How To Turn Off Headphone Safety On iPhone

Key Takeaways

  • The iPhone’s headphone safety feature is designed to protect users from hearing damage caused by high-volume exposure. It monitors headphone audio levels over seven days and reduces volume if it is too loud, with a default safe limit of 80 decibels.
  • Enabling headphone safety promotes safe listening habits and automatic volume reduction when necessary.
  • Disabling it grants full control over your listening experience, eliminating inconsistencies and allowing louder volumes.
  • The choice to enable or disable headphone safety depends on your personal listening preferences and habits.

Recommended Reading :

What Does Headphone Safety Do On an iPhone?

Prolonged exposure to high volumes can cause hearing damage. Based on this, headphone safety on the iPhone is a feature designed to protect users from damaging their hearing.

Your iPhone does this by monitoring your headphone audio levels over a seven-day period. After that period, it reduces the volume if it estimates it has been too loud. This estimation is based on the recommended limits set by health organizations

Here is a brief explanation of what headphone safety actually does:

  • It Reduces Loud Sounds – if a sound goes beyond a specified decibel level this feature will lower it automatically. By default, this level is set to 80 decibels. This is the level Apple considers safe for prolonged listening. 
  • It Monitors Volume – Your iPhone keeps track of the decibel levels of what you are listening to over seven days. During the monitoring process, it takes into consideration both the volume and duration of exposure. If the audio levels are above the recommended limit, you will be notified that the volume has been turned down.
If the audio levels exceed the recommended limit, you will see a notification informing you the volume has been turned down.

If the audio levels exceed the recommended limit, you will see a notification informing you the volume has been turned down.

  • It Provides Real-time Feedback – When you are in the “Sounds & Haptics” section of Settings and adjusting the volume while wearing headphones, you will see a real-time headphone audio level indicator. This will give you an immediate sense of whether the stuff you are listening to is at a safe level.
  • The Volume Limit Is Not Permanent – Even if headphone safety reduces the volume, you can disable it manually. However, if you continue to listen at high volumes, the feature will lower it again.
IMPORTANT: Prolonged exposure to loud noises, even if they don’t seem “too loud” at the moment, can lead to long-term hearing damage. The headphone safety feature on the iPhone is designed to help prevent such damage while still allowing users to enjoy their audio content.

Should You Enable or Disable Headphone Safety On iPhone?

Disabling or enabling headphone safety on your iPhone is a personal decision. It is based on your listening preferences. 

There are some advantages to both choices, so let’s go through each of them.

Advantages of Enabling Headphone Safety

  • The headphone safety feature helps reduce the risk of hearing damage by making sure the audio levels are always within safe limits.
  • By keeping this feature on, you become more conscious of your listening habits
  • If you often forget to lower your volume or you just don’t pay attention to the safe listening levels, this feature will automatically reduce volumes that exceed safe limits.
Headphone Safety will reduce the volume automatically and protect your hearing.

Headphone Safety will reduce the volume automatically and protect your hearing.

Advantages of Disabling Headphone Safety

  • If you want to have full control over your listening experience and you are responsible for managing the volume levels, then you may consider disabling the Headphone Safety.
  • If you disable it, you can eliminate inconsistent volume levels caused by this feature. This inconsistency is especially noticeable when switching between apps or during notifications.
  • Sometimes, when you are in a noisy environment, you might need louder volumes temporarily. With headphone safety enabled, this can be a problem. 

If you are not sure about your listening habits or you are increasing the volume too often, it is probably a good idea to have this feature enabled on your iPhone. 

However, if you manage the volume levels responsibly or you don’t like automatic audio adjustments, then you may choose to disable it. 

In the end, the decision is yours. 

Turn Off Headphone Safety On iPhone: Step-by-Step Guide

If you have decided to disable headphone safety after reading the advantages of both options, here is how to do it properly.

Unlock Your iPhone and Access the Settings App

Unlock your iPhone to access all your apps and settings.

On the home screen, find the app with a gear icon a.k.a. the Settings app, and tap on it.

Step 1 – Tap on Settings

Step 1 – Tap on Settings

Find Sounds & Haptics

Scroll down a little until you find the Sounds & Haptics menu. This section lets you adjust the audio and vibration settings of your iPhone. Tap on it to proceed.

Step 2 – Go to Sounds & Haptics

Step 2 – Go to Sounds & Haptics

Check The Headphone Safety Option

Now, scroll all the way down to see the Headphone Safety option. Tap on it to view the related features and settings.

Step 3 – Tap on Headphone Safety

Step 3 – Tap on Headphone Safety

Disable the Reduce Loud Sounds Feature

Inside the “Headphone Safety” settings, you will notice a toggle button next to Reduce Loud Sounds. A green color means that it is already enabled. To disable it, simply tap on the toggle button. When turned off, it will no longer appear green.

Step 4 – Disable the Reduce Loud Sounds option. You can also disable headphone notifications.

Step 4 – Disable the Reduce Loud Sounds option. You can also disable headphone notifications.

Exit the Settings and Enjoy

Simply exit the settings now. Your changes will be saved automatically. Play some audio to test out your new settings, and make sure you are satisfied with the audio levels.

Once you complete these steps, you will have full control over your iPhone’s audio settings when using headphones. 

How to Disable the Headphone Safety on Your iPhone?

How To Turn Off Headphone Safety Notifications? 🎧 SOLVED!

Alternative Option – Adjust the Volume Limit

Instead of disabling Headphone Safety, you could try setting the volume limit to a higher value. So, instead of setting it to 75 or 80dB, you could push it up to 85 or 90 dB. The max volume limit is 100dB. 

Instead of disabling Headphone Safety, you could try increasing the volume limit.

Instead of disabling Headphone Safety, you could try increasing the volume limit.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question: How loud should my music be on my iPhone?
  • Answer: The ideal listening volume for your music on an iPhone is subjective and can vary from person to person. Generally, you should try to keep the volume at a level where you can comfortably hear the details of the music
  • A safe range is typically below 85 decibels (dB), which is roughly equivalent to the volume of normal conversation. 
  • Question: How loud is 60 decibels on an iPhone?
  • Answer: 60 decibels (dB) on an iPhone can be rated as a moderate listening level. At this volume, you should be able to hear your audio comfortably without the risk of hearing damage. It is important to keep in mind that being exposed to moderately loud sounds for longer periods can still lead to hearing damage.
  • Question: How many decibels is OK for headphones?
  • Answer: Generally, a safe listening level for headphones is considered to be around 85 decibels (dB) or lower. Listening at this level or below should not harm your hearing, even during extended listening sessions. However, remember to take breaks and avoid prolonged exposure to high volumes, as any sound above 85 dB can become harmful over time. 


Your iPhone comes with various features that promote user safety. The headphone safety option is one of them. Although this feature is designed to protect your ears from potential damage, you need to remember that everyone has their own comfort and preference levels.

If you have decided to turn off this feature, just follow the steps above. I did my best to show you how to disable headphone safety on your iPhone. And remember – your hearing is invaluable, so always practice safe listening habits.

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